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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Ultimate Starlight Mix (or so) Part One -- Sweaty

Having just read Larry's article (over at Funky16corners) on the phenomenon disco music, I felt like listening to some of the tunes that were considered Disco before some smart alecs created the genre that disgraced the entire disco era. Discotheques did not start out as the circus arenas they degenerated into.

Being a disco survivor myself, I can only say that discos (at least in Germany) started out as dance clubs where danceable music with a great beat and rhythm was played. Stevie Wonder, The O'Jays, The Temptations, Four Tops, James Brown, Aretha etc. supplied all the fantastic tunes to dance to. Honestly, how much better could music possibly get?

I think the genre "Disco" was created to make extra bugs. The afore mentioned artists and their music were going to sell anyhow, so why not create an additional need for special dance tunes and make even more money? 

I knew the disco era was over as soon as Donna Summers arrived on the scene and such high carat vocalists like Gloria Gaynor or Thelma Houston had to sing disco garbage ... I'm glad I was discoing in the middle of the best of disco. 

Alright, here is the music that was the "real stuff." 

Since my favorite disco back in the day was The Starligh,  I dubbed the following mix

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