Vor einiger Zeit habe ich schon mal darum gebeten, nicht nur songs von meinem Blog runterzuladen, sondern auch mal einen Kommentar zu hinterlassen. Ausser einer handvoll lieber Freunde hat das aber keinen geschert ... Also verabschiede ich mich dann mal fuer eine Weile, und beobachte, was sich so tut an der copyright front.
Eure raggedy
I've heard from some of my blogger friends that they have received "unfriendly" mail in regard to copyright issues. Therefore, I decided to close shop before I get into trouble with my own blog.
A while ago, I asked the visitiors of my blog to not only download the songs posted, but also leave a comment every now and then. But except for a few dear friends, nobody really cared to do so. So, I'm saying goodbye for a while and keep watching the copyright issue.
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